March 2016 – The Armor Bearer

We thank the Lord for your faithful support and prayers. The Lord uses your faithfulness to reach our military heroes and their families.

In the military we are taught that our duty is to fulfil our obligations and accomplish our tasks as part of a team. We are taught that when a soldier or team grasps and understands what duty really is, that soldier can change the world. You, my friends, are those soldiers and that team that really understands. You demonstrate your devotion to duty through your prayers, offerings, and support. You take your efforts to a godly level for all to see. For us, you exemplify an awesome picture of duty in an eternal connotation.

“Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: “ ~I Timothy 1:5

Last week, Pastor Mike Ascher, our pastor at Good News Baptist Church and Chairman of the AFBM Board of Trustees opened our annual board meeting with a prayer thanking the Lord for each of you and asking for the Lord’s blessing on your ministries. Next, Board Member Pastor Chuck Pearson brought us a devotion from I Timothy 1:5. Pastor Pearson had no idea that in 1964, AFBM began with the same biblical mandate for “…charity out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned.” Fifty-two years later our Savior and goal remains unchanged. The following report was submitted to our Board of Trustees and sent to the leadership and members of Good News Baptist Church. The Lord has allowed us to see Him complete:

• AFBM has met or exceeded budget for eleven straight years.
• AFBM has grown every year for a decade.
• The sun never goes down on AFBM’s outreach.
• In May, AFBM, with local churches, will have distributed 1,000,000 Scriptures.
• AFBM has over the past 10 years helped 3,000 plus people find local churches when having permanent change of stations or discharge orders.
• AFBM has helped over 10,000 people with PTSD. Churches with PTSD groups have grown by an average of 20 people.
• AFBM has eleven serviceman/veterans centers.
• AFBM currently has nine families on deputation with one on furlough.
• Last year 17 men saved through AFBM’s ministry graduated from Bible College.
• Local church based ministries through AFBM continue to reach the world as the Lord planned.

We are well aware that the Lord uses your support, prayers and missions trips to make this happen. Each of you is part of the Lord’s plan to reach our heroes. You, with us, reap fruit that only the Lord can grow. Thank you!!!!! You are our heroes.

On behalf of our AFBM Family, Your servant,

Doug Carragher

General Director