June 2021 Armor Bearer

June 2021

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters,

With the passing of Memorial Day, I have had cause again to reflect on all that we have been given and I am mindful that the physical freedom I enjoy is not based upon my merit. Many brave men and women gave their last full measure of life for our freedoms, and we should always be thankful for that. We also do well to remember they left behind hurting loved ones who are reminded by that holiday of the personal price their family paid for our freedoms.

John 6:36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Every day we should be grateful for the spiritual life and freedom found in Jesus Christ. We are blessed to be free indeed! As we at AFBM minister to those who stand in the gap on the frontlines of freedom around the world, Jesus’ promise of true freedom is the message we are compelled to share. Thank you for the partnership in this essential work.

Like you, we are beginning to see some COVID restrictions lifted and that means the impacts on military ministries is lessening.  It is a blessing to see people’s faces clearly once again! Fewer restrictions also mean more open doors of ministry on bases. Would you pray for God to give good favor to our missionaries as they meet with chaplains on several bases? Restarting former Bible studies and beginning new ones are powerful ways to expose our needy mission field to the life changing truth of the Gospel. It also provides a wonderful forum in which to disciple new believers.

COVID may have interfered in many aspects of life over the past 15 months, but God is not deterred and He is still blessing His laborers and their efforts. Jon and Tina Gorman and their family are veteran church planters with a burden for the faculty and students at the US Air Force Academy. Recently finishing their furlough and time of deputation, God provided the necessary support for their new ministry. We serve a faithful God! They are now in the process of relocating to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Please join us in praying for God to provide the Gorman family adequate housing, a church building, and access to the USAF Academy. We look forward to seeing God add His many blessings as they seek to reach those future military leaders for Christ.

Michelle and I are continually encouraged as we gain a deeper appreciation for the level of sincere love and concern that you share for our military. The words of Jude 1:22 come to mind, “And of some have compassion, making a difference:” God uses you to encourage all of us at AFBM and He uses your prayers and words of encouragement to strengthen us in His work. When I served in the military years ago, the phrase “Army of One” was a popular slogan. Thankfully, that does not describe who you are. AFBM is supported by an Army of thousands who faithfully pray for and support our global outreach efforts. You bless and challenge us with your compassion!

Thank you for your love and prayers as we labor together to reach our military and their families for Christ. On behalf of your AFBM Missionary family, Kevin Brown