The armor Bearer


June 2024 Armor Bearer

Jun 14, 2024

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, Jesus said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. Military history is full of accounts that demonstrate the need for, and the impact of, individual sacrifice. Our AFBM missionary serving in Italy is reminded every year of…

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March 2024 Armor Bearer

Mar 19, 2024

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, Perhaps like me, you are excited at the arrival of Spring. For many it means warmer temperatures and the many signs of new life all around them. This time of year also means our wonderful opportunity to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What a…

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December 2023 Armor Bearer

Dec 12, 2023

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, We hope you are enjoying some special time with family and friends during the holidays. For many families, Thanksgiving and Christmas offer the best opportunities to be with those we love. Yet for some, these holidays look and feel much different. Perhaps you have seen images of military members…

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September 2023 Armor Bearer

Sep 26, 2023

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58. Have you ever wondered how long God might be able to use you where you live…

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June 2023 Armor Bearer

Jun 8, 2023

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, I realize some of you reading this letter may be newer partners with AFBM while others have spent decades praying for and supporting the important work that our missionary family and Home Office undertake, day after day, month after month, and year after year. Countless thousands will be in…

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March 2023 Armor Bearer

Mar 14, 2023

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, “For I am the LORD, I change not;” Malachi 3:16a. Recently I heard someone comment, “Another new year and more change.” Is that what 2023 seems like for you? Perhaps you are someone who promotes change and looks forward to the excitement and challenge those changes can bring. Or…

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December 2022 Armor Bearer

Dec 3, 2022

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, Serving as a British missionary to China, C.T. Studd is credited with these words in a poem, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” Perhaps like me, you feel that with a blink of your eyes, the end of 2022 is here.…

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September 2022 Armor Bearer

Sep 22, 2022

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, As you reflect on the summer months, we at AFBM hope you can see God’s hand at work. At our ministries
around the globe, we are grateful for every opportunity we have had to share the Gospel; every opportunity to
disciple and encourage a new believer or family; and every opportunity…

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June 2022 Armor Bearer

Jun 3, 2022

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors and Supporters, It is a great joy for the AFBM Missionary Family to serve around the world. Military members and families need God’s truth now more than ever at a time when they are impacted by so many worldly philosophies and policies. We are grateful to have you, our faithful prayer…

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Armed Forces Baptist Missions 3252 Taylor Road Chesapeake, VA 23321